HALOT Design on skandinaavinen UV-suojattuja urheilu- ja vapaa-ajan vaatteita valmistava vaatebrändi, jonka taustalla on omistajan melanoomakokemus ja halu tarjota suojaavia asusteita UV-säteilyä vastaan. Brändin inspiroijana toimii Suomen luonto. Brändin tavoite on jakaa tietoa UV-säteilyn vaaroista ja edistää parempaa tulevaisuutta.

suomalainen design


Protect your skin from the sun!

Did you know that the sun's UV rays can penetrate your clothes and the sun can burn your skin even with your clothes on. Our clothes have a UPF +50 standard, so you can be sure that they protect you in the heat.

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This is how Halot Design was born!

The fall cruise in 2018 to Sweden was just ending and it was still
well over an hour away from the port of Helsinki. The phone had found the network and started working.
While walking from breakfast to pack things in the cabin, I received a call from an unknown number.
I decided to answer. This phone call brought melanoma into my life.